Physical Geology Class, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ |
The powerpoints and lab exercises are only for the use of teachers and students who use the textbook, "Physical Geology" by Plummer and others (McGraw Hill) or "Exploring Geology" by Reynolds and others (McGraw Hill) and the lab manual "Exercises in Physical Geology" by Hamblin & Howard (Pearson - Prentice Hall). Use by any others is prohibited.
Approximate GLG 101 Schedule - Fall 2018
Day |
Date |
LectureTopic |
Chapter (Plummer et al., Physical Geology) |
Lab Excercise |
Thur. |
Aug. 23 |
U.S. Bureau of Mines (now U.S. Geological Survey) Movie: Out of the Rock
1 |
Tue. |
Aug. 28 |
Movie: Gifts from the Earth (Annenberg Foundation) |
2, handout |
Thur. |
Aug. 30 |
Minerals - same as above |
2 |
Mineral Identification lab - same as above |
Tue. |
Sep. 4 |
Minerals same as above |
1, 2 |
Volcanoes movie: National Geographic Nature's Inferno |
Thur. |
Sep. 6 |
3 |
Tue. |
Sep. 11 |
4 |
Volcanoes lab exercise extra credit Volcanoes Google Earth lab extra credit movie: In the Path of a Killer Volcano - Mt. Pinatubo |
Thur. |
Sep. 13 |
4, 5 |
Thur. |
Sep. 13 |
Weathering & Soil lecture questions
5 |
Tue. | Sep. 18 | 6 |
Thur. |
Sep. 20 |
7 |
Tue. |
Sep. 25 |
Nova movie: Origins, part 1 |
8 |
Thur. |
Sep. 27 |
Geologic Time lecture questions Nova movie: Origins, part 2 |
8 |
Tue. |
Oct. 2 |
Mid-term Exam |
1-8 |
Thur. | Oct. 4 | 9 |
Landslides movie |
Mission Mine Tour A Mountain field trip info |
field trip guide |
Tue. |
Oct. 9 |
Floods movie |
10 |
Rivers Google Earth lab extra credit Rivers discharge flow lab extra credit |
Thur. |
Oct. 11 |
Kartchner Cavern movie |
11 |
Groundwater pollution lab extra credit
Tue. |
Oct. 16 |
12 |
Glaciers Google Earth lab extra credit Glaciers ice melt worksheet extra credit movie: Great Global Warming Swindle http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5576670191369613647#docid=-1687860831603969288 If the link doesn't work, do a Google search on the movie title and select the 1 hr 15 minute download the video.
Thur. |
Oct. 18 |
13 |
Dunes Google Earth lab extra credit |
Tue. |
Oct. 23 |
Movie: Blue Planet |
14 |
Rocky Coasts Google Earth lab extra credit Sandy Coasts Google Earth lab extra credit |
Thur. | Oct. 25 | Arizona Geology |
Find the answers in DTE-13 A Home Buyer's Guide to Geologic Hazards in Arizona, by R.C. Harris and P.A. Pearthree, 2002, 36 p. $8.95 from Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson or free online at www.azgs.az.gov |
Tue. |
Oct. 30 |
16 |
movie: Deadliest Earthquakes movie: Locating earthquakes |
Thur. |
Nov. 1 |
Review for Exam |
Tsunami movie: Wave that Shook the World |
Tue. |
Nov. 6 |
Second Exam | 9-14 | |
Thur. |
Nov. 8 |
15 |
Tue. |
Nov. 13 |
17 |
movie: Tsunami |
Thur. |
Nov. 15 |
18 |
movie: Living Machine - Annenberg |
Tue. |
Nov. 20 |
Plate Tectonics (continued from above) |
19-20 |
Thur. | Nov. 22 | Thanksgiving holiday | ||
Tue. |
Nov. 27 |
22 |
movie: "Gold Mine in the Clouds" - Ertsberg-Grasberg Super Sturcures movie: Copper Connection movie: Bingham Canyon mine |
Thur. |
Nov. 29 |
22 |
movies: Coal or Not in my Backyard or Fossil Fuels |
Tue. |
Dec. 4 |
Handout |
Thur. |
Dec. 6 |
Industrial Minerals | 22 | Ore Mineral lab |
Tue. | Dec. 11 | 21 | video Planets lab |
Thur. |
Dec. 13 |
last updated September 13, 2018
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