Exploration for mineral and energy resources, environmental geology, and geochemistry
(Expertise in metals, energy resources, industrial minerals, and regional geology)
Writing Qualified Person Reports
Canadian NI-43-10 as a Registered Geologist in Arizona and as a SME Professional Geologist
Writing Permitting documents
(Aquifer Protection Permits, Mined Land Reclamation Plans, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Site Assessments, Mine Plan of Operations, others)
Forty years professional experience:
Researching and exploring for mineral and energy resources;
Facilitating cooperation between industry, governmental agencies, and academia to produce successful symposia, field trips, and publications;
Educating the general public, children, and university students about geology, mining, and minerals.
Ph.D in Geosciences, 1993, University of Arizona, Tucson, major in Geosciences (Economic Geology) and minor in Geological Engineering (Remote Sensing): utilized artificial neural networks on geochemical data from six ore deposit types, including disseminated gold deposits; communicated results.
Experience writing permit applications for mining projects in Arizona, California, and Nevada.
Experience managing natural resources assessment program for governmental agency: obtaining funds, analyzing and solving problems, prioritizing essential steps, and arranging cooperative efforts to complete reports efficiently, on time, and within budget.
Expertise in the geology of numerous commodities (metals [copper, gold, molybdenum, lead-zinc-silver, tin, tungsten, platinum group elements], energy resources [oil and gas, uranium, coal, geothermal], and industrial minerals)
Expertise in geochemistry, governmental regulations, education
Currently a Consulting Geologist and Senior Associate Geologist, SRK Consulting Scientist and Engineers, 2010-current
Senior Geologist, SRK Consulting Scientist and Engineers, 2003-2007
Researched and wrote geological and geochemical investigations and reports and Aquifer Protection and Mined Land Reclamation permit applications to Arizona Department of Environmental Quality for the closure of the San Manuel porphyry copper mine; wrote Canadian NI-43-101, competent person, and due diligence reports for mining company clients.
Consulting Geologist, Jan Rasmussen Consulting, 1997-2003, 2010-present
Researched original MagmaChem concepts with Stan Keith in Arizona Bureau of Mines research 1978-80, researched, created maps and cross-sections, and reports for Mohave Project (1980-1986), wrote grant request and researched hydrothermal dolomite for NYSERDA grant and wrote report (2001-2003), and wrote numerous publications with Stan Keith (see publication list).
Project Geologist, Woodward-Clyde Federal Services, 1994-1997
Planned, obtained funds, scheduled, budgeted, and supervised natural resources investigation and drilling and testing projects, Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office for the Department of Energy. Obtained $275,000 from DOE for metallic resources assessment by Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology when other programs were severely cut. Facilitated cooperation among a broad group of people with competing viewpoints, resulting in the planning, approval, and accomplishment of nine borehole drilling/workover projects when others had only finished two in the previous year. Resolved conflicts between schedule demands and quality concerns, adjusted plans to accommodate changes, and found creative ways to solve problems. Wrote final report on natural resources of Yucca Mountain region.
Consulting Geologist, J.C. Wilt & Co., 1971-1977, 1980-1994
Located, reviewed, and analyzed technical literature, evaluated geologic and geochemical information, wrote reports, and made recommendations for natural resource exploration companies, based on expertise in:
Economic Geology
- metals: gold, molybdenum, copper, lead-zinc-silver, tin-silver
- strategic minerals: tungsten, platinoid group elements
- industrial minerals: fluorite, clay, gypsum, mica, silica, gravel
- energy resources: uranium, coal, oil and gas
- mineral withdrawal area resource assessments
- aerial photo interpretation, landsat image interpretation, remote sensing
Engineering Geology
- mine reclamation plans
- environmental geology
- site investigations
Computer Applications to Geology
- neural networks (pattern recognition, classification), statistics
- data acquisition: bibliographic and computerized data bases
International experience: China (1999), Mexico (1991), Germany and Eastern Europe (1991), South Africa (1990), Canada (1989), Chile (1988).
Professional Certification:
Registered Geologist, Arizona #15664, since 1983
Society of Mining, Metallurgical & Exploration (SME/AIME) Competent Person
Community College and High School Chemistry Teaching Certificates
HAZWOPER & MSHA training
Membership in Professional Organizations:
Society of Mining Engineers, Certified Professional Member
Arizona Geological Society; Geological Society of Nevada
Mining Foundation of the Southwest
Curator, Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, 2007-1010
Adjunct Faculty, Physical & Historical Geology, Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona, 2002-present
Adjunct Faculty, Physical Geology & Geography, Cochise College, Sierra Vista, Arizona, 2002-2003
Instructor, Physical Geology & Environmetal Geology, Austin Community College, Austin, Texas, 1998-2000
Commissioner, Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Phoenix, Arizona, 1984-1994
Symposium Chairman, Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, Arizona, 1993-4, etc.
Research Geologist, Arizona Bureau of Geology & Mineral Technology (now Arizona Geological Survey), Tucson, ARizona, 1978-80
Associate Curator, University of Arizona, Dept. of Geology Mineral Museum, Tucson, Arizona, 1974-1978
Instructor, Geology for Teachers, University of Arizona, Dept. of Geology, Tucson, Arizona, 1976-77
Associate Geologist, Arizona Bureau of Mines (now Arizona Geological Survey), Tucson, Arizona, 1969-71
See Resume for details.
See Publications for list of articles and books written.
See Research for pdf files of recent articles and presentations.
email: jan@janrasmussen.com
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